Ruslan Strelet

Education and Artistic Experience
- School of Art "I. Vieru"
- State University, Department of Fine Arts, Chisinau, Moldova
- Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Moldova
- Member of the Association of Young Plastic Art Artist of Moldova "Oberliht"
2005-2016 – The artist participated in national and international exhibitions organized by the Union of Artists of the Republic of Moldova
2014 - Art Project, Castle Viglas, Slovakia
2013 - Exhibition at the Embassy of Poland in Moldova, Chisinau
2012 – Exhibition at "White Moon" Gallery, Odessa, Ukraine
2012 - Exhibition at "Александровский Двор" Gallery, Odessa, Ukraine
2010 - Exhibition organized by the OSCE Office in Chisinau, Moldova
2009 - Exhibition at "Bi Sanat Galerisi", Ankara, Turkey
2006 - Exhibition at "Aliance Francaise de Moldavie"
2006 - Ax-Art, 10th edition organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Moldova
2006 - Exhibition at the Central House of Artists "Polet", Moscow, Russia
2005 - Exhibition at the Embassy of Hungary in Chisinau, Moldova
2004 - 2005 - The Blue European-The Young Generation, organized by the Informative Bureau of the Council of Europe. The event took place in the following countries: Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Poland
2004 - Exhibition "New Realms", London, United Kingdom
2003 – 9th bridge, exhibition organized by the OCSE Office in Moldova
2002 - We the Creative Youth, Exhibition at "Constantin Brâncuși" Center, Chisinau, Moldova
2001 - The Way to the Sea, Exhibition at "Constantin Brâncuși" Center, Chisinau, Moldova
2001 - PPSSVUMM, Exhibition at Invisible College of Moldova
2001 - Youth Dreams, Exhibition at The Palace of the Republic Moldova
2001 - The next session, Exhibition at National Museum of History, Chisinau, Moldova
2000 - Oberhiht, Exhibition-Studio of painting and graphics at National Museum of History, Chisinau, Moldova
1999 - Exhibition of fine arts at the UN Offices in Moldova
2000 - ART-CLUB TVM (Moldovan National Broadcast)
2002 - V. Роsin "Windows wide-open", Independent Moldova,
2001 - "Young Artists in Next Session", Flux newspaper
2001 - Rodica Trofimov, Young Artists Association, "The Way to sea", Flux newspaper