Irina Greciuhina

Irina Greciuhina (b. 1982) is a painter who lives and works in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
She studied Painting in the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts in Chisinau, and she continued her studies in the Technical University of Moldova, getting a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning. Since 2007 she has been a chief of the Architectural and Design bureau in Chisinau, working on exclusive national and international projects and winning the awards in design and architecture.
Throughout her career Irina has been experimenting with different art styles and techniques and since 2019 she has been actively exhibiting her artworks and participating in international projects. In a short period of time Irina has managed to participate in the International Biennial of Painting in Chisinau, exhibit her works in Italy, Spain and France and even have her first solo shows.
Through her paintings and digital prints, Irina confronts stereotypical architypes of women, balancing pop-art postures and colors with surreal background and design patterns. Her influences range from Japanese graphics to Tamara Lempicka and AES+F. Combining incompatible elements, she puzzles the audience inviting it to create own story about the subjects of her paintings.
Her works can be found in private and corporate collections in Europe and Asia.